Sprouted Grain Bread

Sprouted Grain Bread

Are you eating it?!?!

What’s the difference between sprouted grain bread and 100% whole wheat bread?

It’s made from seeds or grains such as quinoa, spelt, durum wheat, or any other grains.

The seed is then sprouted and starts to grown … remember in elementary school when you grew lima bean sprouts in a plastic bag and watched what happened???


That’s what happens!

When you sprout that seed it is said that the little mini plant has all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and nutrients it needs to become a full fledge plant just in a smaller package.

Sprouts are actually more nutritious and energizing then the actual plant it self because you get all those goodies in a smaller package. Which means it’s more nutrient dense.

That sprout and the seed are then ground up and then the bread is made from that.

The bennies of this is now your bread has more nutrients and minerals to feed your little cells along with being lower on the glycemic index scale. Which is a win since your blood sugar won’t spike as much as with other forms of bread.

Continual spikes in blood sugar can lead to weight gain, low energy levels, insulin resistance, and problems controlling hunger.

When you start eating more sprouted grain bread… it will help with energy, weight loss and packs a powerful punch on the nutrient side.

It’s a lot denser then the bread you normally opt for and may take some getting used to, but it’s still delicious!

You can find sprouted grain breads at Trader Joe's or Whole Foods, there’re a number of brands you can choose from and varieties.

Check them out!

Lorisa Green